関連カテゴリ: 記事 — 公開: 2024年7月23日 at 10:37 PM — 更新: 2024年7月23日 at 10:37 PM







今回インタビューしたのは、1位に輝いたLauren Parker選手とAlexis Hanquinquant選手です。

Alexis Hanquinquant(PTS4/フランス)写真・秋冨哲生


最初に話を伺えたのはAlexis Hanquinquant選手です。ゴール地点では彼が笑顔でフィニッシュする姿を見て、その後すぐに選手が出てくる出口へ駆けつけました。待つこと数分、ついに彼が姿を現しました。オーラと背の高さに圧倒され、最初は話しかけるのが緊張するほどでしたが、勇気を出してインタビューを開始しました。

Lauren Parker選手へのインタビュー

Lauren Parker(PTWC/オーストラリア) 写真・秋冨哲生

次にインタビューを行ったのはLauren Parker選手です。彼女は以前から注目していた選手で、実際に話す機会を得たことは非常に嬉しかったです。レース後、インスタグラムでつながることができ、撮った写真も送りました。彼女が喜んでくれた様子に、自分も嬉しくなりました!


Geert Schipper(PTWC/オランダ)に取材するHanzo(写真中)とKaoru(写真左) 写真・山下元気







Paratriathlon Yokohama Race Coverage Report

On Saturday, May 11th, I went to Yokohama to cover the Paratriathlon and interviewed top athletes. This year, the quality of the photos has improved compared to last year, and I could feel an overall growth. However, there was still a lingering sense of dissatisfaction. In this report, I will summarize my impressions and the results of the coverage.

Interaction with Athletes

This time, I interviewed Lauren Parker, who took first place, and Alexis Hanquinquant.

Interview with Alexis Hanquinquant

Alexis Hanquinquant(PTS4・FRA)PHOTO・Tetsuo Akitomi

The first person I had the opportunity to speak with was Alexis Hanquinquant. I saw him finish with a smile at the finish line and quickly headed to the exit where the athletes come out. After waiting for a few minutes, he finally appeared. His aura and height were overwhelming, and I was so nervous to speak to him at first, but I gathered my courage and started the interview.

I showed him the photos taken at the finish line and asked about the race conditions, his feelings today, and his enthusiasm for the upcoming Paris Paralympics. He responded with a constant smile, and I felt his kindness and sincerity. Through his interview, my desire to support him grew even stronger!

Interview with Lauren Parker

Lauren Parker(PTWC/AUS)PHOTO・Tetsuo Akitomi

Next, I interviewed Lauren Parker. She was an athlete I had been paying attention to for a long time, and I was very happy to finally have the opportunity to talk to her. After the race, we connected on Instagram, and I sent her the photos I took. Seeing her joy made me happy too!

Lauren also had a bright smile and a wonderful aura. Although the time was short, I could feel her positive attitude and energy.

Growth and Frustration

Hanzo (middle) and Kaoru (left) interviewing Geert Schipper (PTWC/NED) Photo: Genki Yamashita

While there were many successful aspects, there was still a feeling of dissatisfaction in my heart. I understand that I have made definite progress compared to last year, but I strongly feel that I wanted to make the athletes happier and show more of my abilities.

As the next step, I aim to build closer relationships with the athletes, get responses to my DMs, and have more conversations. The fact that this expectation was not fully met leaves me feeling frustrated.

Goals for Next Year

My goal for next year is to negotiate with the athletes and create a documentary-like piece. By doing this, I hope to let more people know about my skills and passion, and to bring more joy to others!

Need for Self-Improvement

Humans are not perfect. I keenly felt that there are more failures and points for improvement than successes. By improving each one of these points every year, I strongly wish to keep updating my best.

This year’s event ended with the most frustration and dissatisfaction out of the past three years. However, I believe this will lead to new determination and motivation, resulting in improved quality of photos and videos, as well as personal skill enhancement. I will continue to strive and aim for better coverage.

Through the wonderful experience at the Yokohama Paratriathlon, I was deeply moved by the athletes’ efforts and passion. I will continue to support their activities! Thank you for reading until the end.

(Written by HANZO)

