関連カテゴリ: 記事 — 公開: 2024年7月23日 at 10:09 PM — 更新: 2024年7月28日 at 10:34 PM









コロナウイルスに多くが苦しめられた中、⽣きることにおいて⼈と⾃分の健康が何をするよ りも前に来るとスサーナ選⼿は感じたという。また、コロナのようにやるせない状況に陥った時でもなぜ仕事とトライアスロンに努⼒を惜しまなかったのか。 


もちろん成功するには多くの時間と労⼒を費やす必要があるし、絶対に⼤成するとは保証さ れていないけれど、地道な継続はチャンスを与えてくれるとスサーナ選⼿はおっしゃった。

右:スサーナ·ロドリゲス  左:サラ·ペレス·サラ  写真・秋冨哲生

現在のガイド、サラ・ペレス・サラさんと競技に参加するのは横浜⼤会でまだ3回⽬である。パリパラリンピックに向けて良き友達として、⼆⼈はコミュニケーションを大切 にしながら共に良い成績を残せるようにトレーニングを続けるそうだ。


On May 11th, the World Triathlon Championship Series Yokohama was held in Yokohama City, Japan. I interviewed Susana Rodriguez Gacio, the Spanish representative who won the triathlon class for visual impairment at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics. She finished 2nd in this Yokohama championship.

Besides being a great triathlon athlete, Susana is also a doctor. During COVID-19, we were restricted by the term “non-essential.” Particularly, the role of a doctor faced harsher scrutiny for engaging in “non-essential” activities. In 2020, people across Spain were under lockdown from March until May. Despite this, Susana said it was challenging to train under those circumstances until the end of 2020.

Susana was determined to win at Tokyo 2020 and continued working hard. Hence, I asked her if she had struggled with not being able to practice during the pandemic.

“Essential jobs kept working” during COVID.
“Sport is my second priority in life.”

Susana became acutely aware that health, both hers and others’, comes first. I also wondered why she didn’t give up her passion for both her job and triathlon, despite facing such a tough situation during the pandemic.

“In my life, I have always done more than one thing. Now I’m working and playing sports, and I’m happy with that because it helps me balance my life.”

Of course, Susana said, we need to spend a lot of time and effort to succeed, and there are no guarantees of accomplishment. However, she believes that diligent and steady work will provide us with some kind of chance.

Right: Susana Rodriguez Gacio  Left: Sara Pérez Sala PHOTO:Tetsuo Akitomi

It was only the third time Susana competed with her current guide, Sara Pérez Sala, in an official competition at the Yokohama championship. Susana and Sara aim to continue their strong, friendly relationship to showcase their maximum ability at the Paris Paralympics.


(Written by Kaoru)

