
まず今回私がこのパラトライアスロン子供記者(PARATRA TALK)に応募したきっかけは母の紹介でした。英語は苦手でしたが、普段の生活で障害者の方々と接する機会があまり無かったので、やってみようと立候補しました。
In this article, I would like to write about the interview of the Paratriathlon World Championships held in Yokohama from May 13th to 14th.
First of all, the reason why I applied for this paratriathlon kids reporter(PARATRA TALK) this time was my mother’s introduction. I was not good at English, but I didn’t have many opportunities to interact with people with handicaps in my daily life, so I decided to try it.
The first image I had of the athletes was that they were “persons above the clouds who continue to take on challenges despite being handicapped by an accident.”
Also, at school we are encouraged to be considerate of people with handicaps on a daily basis. However, when I interviewed Mr.Kimura and Mr. Besse, I realized that I had a prejudice against para-athletes and people with disabilities.
I asked Mr.Kimura and Mr.Besse about their daily practices.
They usually have a weekly schedule for the competition, do mental training to know what their mental state is.
Mr.Kimura told me that once he falls into a slump, they do nothing for a while. He told me that by stopping things, he regained his motivation and thought ‘I have to start practicing soon!!’
I was very surprised to hear them. Because,it was exactly the same as what I was conscious of in order to improve my record while working in the track and field club, but it also became advice for future competitions.
I thought that even the world’s athletes or handicapped, they think and do the same thing as we do when they face a competition.
Through this activity, I was able to learn various things such as how to see people with handicaps. I think it was a really good experience.

(Edited by PARAPHOTO Nobue Sasaki)